Trick Photography Course

Learn how to shoot and edit some amazing trick shots


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Course Content (35 Videos)

#1 – Introduction to the Course

Levitation Trick Photography

#2 – Levitation Photography Shoot Part 1
#3 – Levitation Photography Shoot Part 2
#4 – Levitation Photography Editing in Photoshop Part 1
#5 – Levitation Photography Editing in Photoshop Part 2
#6 – Levitation Photography Editing in Photoshop Part 3
#7 – Levitation Photography Editing in Photoshop Part 4
#8 – Examples of Levitation Shots (And Similar Trick Shots) With the Set-ups

Levitation Photography for Small Floating Objects

#9 – Levitation Photography for Small Floating Objects

Miniature Trick Photography

#10 – Two Shot Set up for Miniature Photography
#11 – Editing the Miniature Shot in Photoshop – Part 1 (Creating a Selection)
#12 – Editing the Miniature Shot in Photoshop – Part 2 (Refining the Selection)
#13 – Editing the Miniature Shot in Photoshop – Part 3 (Retouching the Selection)
#14 – Editing the Miniature Shot in Photoshop – Part 4 (Final Selection and Scaling)
#15 – Editing the Miniature Shot in Photoshop – Part 5 (Creating Shadows)
#16 – Editing the Miniature Shot in Photoshop – Part 6 (Creating Shadows)
#17 – Editing the Miniature Shot in Photoshop – Part 7 (Syncing the Color Balance)
#18 – Editing the Miniature Shot in Photoshop – Part 8 (Scrutinizing the Final Image)
#19 – Examples of Miniature Shots with Set-ups and Applying Dodge and Burn (Sculpting)
#20 -Using Patch Tool and Clone Stamp Tool to Add Texture

Forced Perspective Trick Photography

#21- Intro to Forced Perspective Trick Photography
#22 – How to Shoot Forced Perspective Shots
#23 – Editing the Forced Perspective Shot in Photoshop – Part 1
#24 – Editing the Forced Perspective Shot in Photoshop – Part 2
#25 – Editing the Forced Perspective Shot in Photoshop – Part 3

Clone Photography

#26 – Clone Photography – How to Shoot Part 1
#27 -Clone Photography – How to Shoot Part 2
#28 -Clone Photography – Editing in Photoshop – Part 1
#29 – Clone Photography – Editing in Photoshop – Part 2
#30 – Clone Photography – Editing in Photoshop – Part 3
#31 – Clone Photography – Editing in Photoshop – Part 4

Creating an Advanced Composite Trick Shot

#32 – Creating an Advanced Composite Trick Shot – Part 1
#33 – Creating an Advanced Composite Trick Shot – Part 2
#34 – Creating an Advanced Composite Trick Shot – Part 3
#35 -Creating an Advanced Composite Trick Shot – Part 4

How to access this course?

This course is available via as we host all our courses there.

portrait photographer for portfolio shoot in pune

About your trainer

Hey there. This is Kush Sharma, your instructor for this course.

I am the founder here at Creative Pad Media, an organization dedicated to simplifying photography, videography and editing education, and providing it in the most affordable fashion.

I have been teaching since 2013. My online courses have been downloaded in over 170 countries.

I hope to see you inside the course!


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