How Photography Changed My Life: Pooja Ambilkar, Finance Professional, Pune.

An introduction about who you are, what you do for a living and how you got into photography. 

Hello Everyone,

For the starters, I am not sure of an inspiring story, but I am super excited to share my thoughts and little experience that I have of Photography. I hope I can reach that out to you.

My love for pictures starts way back since I could even remember. I am a huge fan of Art and Artists in general. Art melts my heart.

I am a deep thinker in nature and my brain works both in numbers and in Art.

Photography is a huge part of me because it is the best way I am able to express myself. I always keep saying “I wish I could click pictures through my eyes, since everywhere I see is a photo opportunity and beauty which needs to be captured for lifetime.

Photography for me is poetry, story and soul!

How was your first experience with your camera?

I bought my camera back in October 2014 so I could have high quality images and to fulfil my hobby wishes, I had no idea what I was getting into.

Trying my hands on my DSLR for the first time gave me Goosebumps. The fact that I could now turn my imagination into reality blew my mind and I immediately shared the first few clicks on Facebook. I was totally bought by all the wonderful things my camera could do and decided this is how I will be sharing my story with everyone – through my Lens.

What were the things you did to get better at photography?

Frankly speaking I understood the techniques of photography very late compared to the time I bought my DSLR.

I research a lot online and then move out on the streets to practice it.

Attending the workshop with Creative Pad Photography was the time when all my questions about photography were answered and all my anxiety fell into place. Kush makes Photography sound so easy – I am sure we will all agree.

I also follow the best pages suggested by Kush, they’re all eye openers.

World is full of best photographers, there cannot be just one! I admire everyone, But I am a big fan of Chris Burkard and I follow him religiously.

Your favourite shot of yours up till now and its details

This is my favorite shot Freedom.

Details :



Exposure : 1/1600

Focal length : 120mm

What is your favourite type of photography?

I love to capture People and Nature the most. People interest me and nature is Surreal.

The rawness on the Streets inspire me too.

What is the equipment that you use?

  • Nikon D3300
  • Nikkor 18-55 lens
  • Nikkor 55-200 Lens
  • Memory Cards : 8GB, 16GB, 32 GB

How has photography changed your life?

Photography gives me a purpose. It has changed the way I look at life. I am at utmost Peace when I am creating pictures.

I want to influence positive thoughts in the world and photography is helping me achieve that.

Other shots that you would like to show

What are your future aspirations in terms of photography?

I want to be a Portrait Photographer.

I want to capture what people can’t speak about, to create photographs from Art, People, Nature and Music.

Through Photography I want to spread positivity, send good messages and bring my imagination into reality. That’s my dream.

Anything else you would like to add 


One Quote that always inspire me to keep moving ahead :

“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier- Bresson

For me, “Photography is how you can use the light in the best possible way and convert your imagination into reality.”

I have a profile dedicated profile on Instagram called Another Dream Photography, do check it out and follow if you like me J

About the Author

portrait photographer for portfolio shoot in pune

Hi there, I'm Kush Sharma, the founder of Creative Pad Media, an organization dedicated to simplifying photography and videography education.

We have over 50 online courses that cover various genres in photography & videography, catering to both beginners as well as professionals. These courses are available via Our courses have been downloaded in over 170 countries.

I hope to see you inside a course very soon!

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  1. You are doing great job Pooja.. Keep following your heart because that will definitely lead you to the path you desire for 🙂 Wish you all the Love and Luck 🙂

  2. I have said this always n will continue..ur pictures have soul☺️I always get a instant connection with them☺️Great Work Pooja👏🏻👏🏻

  3. You are an awesome photographer! Very creative and talented…We are waiting for your new photos!
    Keep up the great art work!

  4. Inspiring … the photos that you have uploaded … have they been also Photoshop ed ? for creativity ..

  5. Am amongst her initial gini pigs and she will be going places with the talent oozing out from her lenses / eyes 😉

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