Photography Conferences SUCK!!

Note – This was an email sent to our subscribers (buyers of our online courses) on Thursday, 21st December 2023.


I don’t often rant in my emails, but today it’s time to make an exception.

Yesterday, I was invited to a Photography conference. Now this has happened a couple of times in the past and I have always said “Yes”, but then ended up not going, simply because I’m not a big fan of huge gatherings.

But yesterday, I did go.


5 minutes into this “conference” and I felt so uneasy.

It was like meeting up with a bunch of over-grown kids, whose toys have changed from G.I Joes and Barbies to Photography gear.

It was like a scene from Indiana Jones – The Temple of Doom movie where Amrish Puri has cast a spell on everyone.

Their mouths were salivating about the prospect of some crazy new Sony mirrorless camera which I have no idea about. They were talking about how they plan to spend 4 to 5 lakhs on this new crazy camera.


I rather put that kind of money in a low cost index fund than spend it on some new fancy gadget.

This “gear porn” is something I could never associate with. In fact, this is one of the reasons why most professional photographers fail. Their costs and expenses are simply not justified.

I follow a simple rule – Unless absolutely required, don’t buy any gear.

This simple principle has helped me avoid so many pitfalls when it comes running a photography business.

Last year I even dropped my plans to buy a new mirrorless camera because I simply did not see the need for it.

Needless to say, I left the Temple of Doom within a couple of hours and was so glad to be back home.

I even hugged my Nikon D5300 (my first camera, which I purchased in 2013), and said – “I will never ever leave you!“.

Yes, I do talk to my cameras.

Rant over!

P.S – My new course on AI Portrait Retouching is almost done. Watch out for my next email for its release.


Kush Sharma

Creative Pad Media

About the Author

portrait photographer for portfolio shoot in pune

Hi there, I'm Kush Sharma, the founder of Creative Pad Media, an organization dedicated to simplifying photography and videography education.

We have over 50 online courses that cover various genres in photography & videography, catering to both beginners as well as professionals. These courses are available via Our courses have been downloaded in over 170 countries.

I hope to see you inside a course very soon!

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