The Benefits of Storing Your Best Shots in One Place

Today’s tip of the day talks about the need to store your best images in one place.

The best photographers always preserve their best shots not only to showcase their work to others but to also continually set a benchmark for themselves.

The collection of your best shots keeps reminding you of your journey as a photographer.

One of the best places to store all your shots is Flickr.

Sites like Flickr make sure you can upload your shots WITHOUT any compromise in the quality of the image. And it’s free to use up till one terabyte of storage (as of 2018).

Don’t make the mistake to store your best shots in social networking sites like Facebook as those will always compress your image and hence reduce its quality.

Remember, only store your best shots, even if that means storing one image in a month.

As you slowly grow your portfolio, you’ll feel an immense sense of pride every time you look at your collection of shots.

And if you’re slightly more adventurous, you can even take out prints of your best shots and place them on a dedicated wall in your house.

Another option is to have your own website where you can put all your images but the issue with that approach is that if you put the originals on the website, the large size of the images may cause your website to load slowly.

Remember, one of the aspects on which Google ranks your website is the page loading time so if your website pages are loading slowly because of the images, you may not be able to rank higher which will ultimately mean less traffic.

That’s why, for a website, it’s always best to put only the best of your images and that too after optimizing them (reducing their size). You can then give the link to your Flickr account so that your prospect can see more of your work in case they liked what they saw on the website.

Another reason to have your shots on a third-party website like Flickr is to have a back-up for the best of your images. While a lot of people use external hard disks for back-up, the risk is always there since these gadgets can be lost or can malfunction. But storing your images online, without a loss of quality, is perhaps the most foolproof method to have a back-up for your images. Of course, you won’t be able to back-up all the shots you take (unless you are willing to pay for more storage), but at least your best images will always be preserved.


About the Author

portrait photographer for portfolio shoot in pune

Hi there, I'm Kush Sharma, the founder of Creative Pad Media, an organization dedicated to simplifying photography and videography education.

We have over 50 online courses that cover various genres in photography & videography, catering to both beginners as well as professionals. These courses are available via Our courses have been downloaded in over 170 countries.

I hope to see you inside a course very soon!

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