
How to Find Someone to Photoshop a Picture for You

One of the most common issues faced by people is that they are not able to find someone who can use Photoshop to edit their pictures.

That’s because most of the freelance websites out there make this a very complex task, since you are required to create a job which details the exact task and then you have to wait for freelance editors to bid on or apply for the job.

This can make the whole task very frustrating.

But there’s a solution to this, which is – Fiverr.com

Fiverr is a marketplace that operates very differently. There’s no bidding process. You simply select the freelance Photoshop editor, pay their fee and then they give you the edited pictures in the given time frame.

So how do you exactly go about this process of finding the Photoshop editor on Fiverr.com?

Step 1

Go to Fiverr.com

Step 2

You will see a search bar at the top, like shown in the image below:

In the search bar, type in the type of editing you need for your photo. For instance, if you are looking for someone to retouch your portrait, then you’ll type in – “portrait retouching” and then hit enter.

On this page you will see all the freelancers that offer this service.

Another thing you can do on this page is to search for editors using the categories in the menu at the top. For instance, Image Editing can be found under the Visual Design sub-category under the main Graphics & Design category in the main menu located on top, like shown below:

Next, you’ll be able to see the list of all the freelancers, like shown below:

Step 3

This is the important part. Because this is where you have to make a choice as to whom you are going to select.

You have to be very careful because you only want to select the best editors for your job.

The first time I would recommend that you do is to use the filters at the top to filter the results by Budget, like shown below:

If you wish, you can use more filters. One of my favorites is the Delivery Time filter, since I like to use it only work with people who deliver the results quickly.

Once you hit apply, you will see the filtered results.

Step 4

Now you’ll see a new set of results according to the budget you have chosen.

I would recommend you go through at least five candidates profile before making a choice. There are a couple of things to look out for when you are doing this.

First, check out some of their previous work. When you click on their profile thumbnail, you will be taken to their profile page. Here you can use the slider to see some of their previous work, like shown below:

Secondly, check the actual work they have done on Fiverr, by scrolling down on their profile and finding the My Portfolio section, like shown below:

Then comes the most important part of this due diligence process – checking their reviews, like shown below:

Step 5

I would also suggest you go through their entire profile and especially the FAQ section. Because it’s in the FAQ section where they usually give the most important information that their future clients (like yourself) should be aware of. Here’s how it looks like:

Step 6

Now you’re close to making it happen. But before you make the payment, carefully go through the Packages section, like shown below:

That’s because a lot of freelancers on Fiverr have different types of service that they provide under the Basic, Standard and Premium packages. Basic will always be the cheapest but the issue is that it may not include the service you are looking for.

Step 7

Before you make the payment, I highly recommend that you message the freelancer also. This can be done by using the message button, as shown below:

This will allow you have to a nice chat with them and also clear up any further queries that you may have in your mind. But please note that in order to do this, you will have to create an account on Fiverr. But that’s not an issue because you’ll anyway have to create one during the next step where you make the payment.

Step 8

The next step is where you make the payment. This is fairly straightforward.

The moment your payment goes through, the clock starts ticking for the freelancer according to the delivery time that the package promised. They have NO CHOICE but to finish your job before that.

Step 9

Once the freelancer has finished your work, you will get an email confirmation regarding the same. This is when you check the work, and in case the package offers revisions, you ask for that if needed.

If you are satisfied with the work, then you can accept the delivery and give a review to the freelancer. You can also ask them to give you a review since buyers are also reviewed on Fiverr. And it’s a great way to maintain a good reputation on the platform.


So there you go. That’s how you use Fiverr to find someone who can use Photoshop to edit picture for you.

Also, if you are a DIY type of a person and would like to learn the basics of Photoshop, then do check out our free Photoshop course.

About the Author

portrait photographer for portfolio shoot in pune

Hi there, I'm Kush Sharma, the founder of Creative Pad Media, an organization dedicated to simplifying photography and videography education.

We have over 50 online courses that cover various genres in photography & videography, catering to both beginners as well as professionals. These courses are available via Udemy.com. Our courses have been downloaded in over 170 countries.

I hope to see you inside a course very soon!

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